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​Highlighting Our Engineers


We have assembled the best of the best, most experienced, and newest graduates from leading universities. Plus, we have highly capable engineering, manufacturing, and test staff who have at least 30 - 65 years of experience in pressure fed and pump fed liquid rocket engine design, development, and manufacturing using state-of-the-art analytical models and equipment, such as additive manufacturing to deliver high-quality, high-performance, hybrid electric and conventional liquid rocket engines not available elsewhere.

This is not a cut and try empirical development old space company, but one which is based upon nationally recognized analytical models which are an integral part of our design processes used by subject matter experts with extensive experience. Strict system engineering and quality control processes are employed to guide, document, and manufacture the design specifications of these rocket engines for successful mission assurance.


Interested in new inroads that we have created in the design, development, and manufacture of hybrid electric chemical rocket engines. And Advanced Hazard Attenuation Systems for enhanced climate - Globally


One of Our Consultants – Brief Engineering History 








        In the span of my 54-year career, I have worked for both the government (Air Force Research Laboratory) and for private industries (Pratt Whitney, Air Force, Aerojet then AerojetRocketdyne, & Florida Research and Development Center). This blend of government and industry experience gives me unique insights into problem solving techniques as well as real world program management.        I have extensive experience in advancing  the state-of-the-art in high pressure storable and cryogenic liquid rocket engines including LF2/LH2 engines, non-toxic reaction control thrusters, and RCS systems. 

I hold multiple patents in high-efficiency non-toxic combustions processes, fully integrated thrusters systems, rocket propulsion systems for hyper-sonic space launch vehicles (jointly with Boeing), boundary layer control for commercial aircraft (jointly with Boeing), and hybrid electric pump fed cryogenic engines. I have developed unique test facilities (1. for test of high-pressure rocket engines) (2. evaluation of screech liners in gas turbine engine) (3. And hyper-sonic re-entry simulation thermal stress testing).


I have combined my experience with fellow subject matter experts. Thes​e experts also have over 30-50 years of experience and are fully capable of solving any rocket engine design or development challenge. !


Personally having made over 40 trips over a 10-year period evaluating Russian liquid rocket engine design, propulsion system technologies, and manufacturing techniques, I developed a good understanding of their science. I personally interacted with several aerospace and other design bureaus developing an understanding in their design and management processes. As part of the US/Russian exchange program, I taught modern program management techniques to many representatives of these American design bureaus..


PLEASE Watch for more highlights about our partner engineers


Engineering Excellence

We have assembled the best of the best, most experienced, and newest graduates from leading universities. We have highly capable engineering, manufacturing, and test staff who have at least 30 - 50 years of experience in pressure fed and pump fed liquid rocket engine design, development, and manufacturing using state-of-the-art analytical models and equipment, such as additive manufacturing to deliver high-quality, high-performance, hybrid electric and conventional liquid rocket engines not available elsewhere.


This is not a cut and try empirical development old space company, but one which is based upon nationally recognized analytical models which are an integral part of our design processes used by subject matter experts with extensive experience. Strict system engineering and quality control processes are employed to guide, document, and manufacture the design specifications of these rocket engines for successful mission assurance.

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