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Our Mission Statement

Deliver new state-of-the-art hybrid electric chemical rocket LO2/LH2engines, LO2/RP rocket engines, and Orbit Transfer Stages with the required attitude control thrusters to support the development of small launchers for the emerging markets.. Plus, provide Advanced Hazard Attenuation Systems for enhanced climate - Globally, thus helping clean up our skys and space.



Mission Statement 

  Deliver new state-of-the-art hybrid electric LO2/LH2 rocket engines, LO2/RP rocket engines, and Orbit Transfer Stages with the required attitude control thruster to support the development of small launchers and large launcher upper stages for the emerging markets. Plus, deliver advanced hazard attenuation in the form of CO2 Capture and Space Debris Removal.


This space company has inherited through experience and learning with experienced personnel from heritage old space rocket engine companies who have failed to evolve and modernize as merchant suppliers


Our space company is a full-service rocket engine enterprise with design, development, test and evaluation, manufacturing, and launch services capabilities, to deliver high quality products to the commercial space launch and defense markets.


 Having formed strategic alliances with key enterprises which provide unique and modern full engineering and manufacturing capabilities in electromagnetics with Fore-Front Engineering, Long Electromagnetics, and platelet design and manufacturing with Clean Energy Systems, and Additive Manufacturing, ADDMAN Engineering Groups Castheon 

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